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PE (Premature Ejaculation) is a common sexual dysfunction that affects many men. It is characterized by an inability to delay ejaculation, resulting in climaxing too soon during sexual intercourse. In this article, we are going to address the question ‘Can premature ejaculation cause pregnancy?

This is a major question for women whose partners are suffering from PE.  Generally, it is possible for a man with premature ejaculation to cause pregnancy if ejaculation occurs inside the vagina and sperm are able to fertilize an egg. However, it is worth noting that the chances of pregnancy may be lower in cases of premature ejaculation as the man may not be able to maintain an erection long enough for successful fertilization to occur.

How Do You Know If You Have Premature Ejaculation?

The inability to delay ejaculation all or most of the time could be a sign of premature ejaculation. If a man ejaculates before penetration or less than 2 minutes of penetration all or most of the time, leading to frequent dissatisfaction for him or his partner, he may have premature ejaculation.

Pregnancy For Those Facing Premature Ejaculation: Is it possible?

Many studies have shown that PE does not have a direct impact on a man’s fertility, as it does not affect the quantity or quality of his semen. However, it may indirectly impact fertility if it leads to ejaculating before penetration, psychological stress in the relationship and otherwise, or avoidance of sexual intercourse, which can all affect a couple’s chances of conceiving.

Sperm Quality and Pregnancy

The only cause where PE will cause a hindrance in pregnancy is if the semen is ejaculated outside, or there is a drop in the quality of the semen. A very famous example will be pulling off during ejaculation. But even then, studies have shown out of all couples who practice pulling out during ejaculation, 20% of them end up with unwanted pregnancy due to the pre-cum.

Can Pre-Ejaculation Fluid Cause Pregnancy?

There can be sperm in the ‘precum’ or pre-ejaculatory fluid, which means pregnancy can occur even when full ejaculation doesn’t occur within the vagina. Chances of becoming pregnant from pre-cum may be slim, but it can still happen. Sperm can still be present in the urethra and mixed with pre-cum that’s released before ejaculation.

In addition, during ovulation, the chances of a potential pregnancy are higher. It is important to note that using a form of birth control and/or condoms during intercourse can greatly reduce the risk of pregnancy.

Is The ‘Pull-Out’ Method Recommended?

The pull-out method or withdrawal of the penis from the vagina before ejaculation is one of the oldest methods of birth control. It’s free, readily available and has no side effects. Still, health experts think that withdrawal is unreliable at best — and it offers no protection from sexually transmitted infections.

If you’re trying to prevent pregnancy, choose a more reliable method of contraception or type of birth control method. There are a variety of short- and long-acting forms of birth control. Ask your doctor or a health expert to help you understand the options.

What Causes Premature Ejaculation?

Physiological And Psychological Factors That May Effect PE

The exact cause of premature ejaculation is still not known, but some experts say that it could be due to an underactive thyroid gland and low levels of serotonin can be a causative factor.


Physiologically, PE may be caused by abnormal hormone levels or neurotransmitters in the brain, an under-active thyroid gland or by dysfunction of the muscles and/or nerve damage. Additionally, certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and thyroid-related concerns, can also contribute to PE.

Psychologically, PE may be caused by stress, anxiety, depression, or past traumatic sexual encounters. Due to these, the male can be facing a reduction in his sex drive and might not be as passionate as he can be, thus making it difficult to perform sexually well and thus reducing the chances of conceiving.

What Are The Treatment Options For Premature Ejaculation?

If you think you might have PE, this isn’t something to be worried about as PE is treatable. Diagnosing PE could be done through consultation with the doctor where sometimes a psychological examination is done to check for conditions like depression or anxiety. In some cases, the doctor may suggest undergoing a physical examination of the external penis anatomy and having blood tests/hormone levels checked.

Common Medical Treatment Methods Include:

  • Topical Therapies and Anaesthetic Creams: Doctors and healthcare providers may recommend the use of anaesthetic sprays and creams such as lidocaine, prilocaine, or benzocaine. These are numbing agents that are to be applied to the penis, for around 30 minutes or more, before sex. It reduces the sensitivity over the penis and aids in delaying ejaculation.
  • Oral Medication: While most drugs don’t have approval for consumption by the FDA for treating PE, some specific ones have the license of use for the condition. These include antidepressants, phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors, and analgesics. The medications have a particular prescription dosage and should be taken following the advice of a medical professional.

Does Intercourse With A Person That Has Premature Ejaculation Get You Pregnant?

Yes, PE can cause pregnancy as long as the semen reaches the egg safely and the semen passes through to the vaginal canal. There are also many artificial and external methods to get pregnant like IVF (In-vitro fertilisation) or there are sperms available in sperm banks which can be used in case the quality of sperm isn’t enough for pregnancy.

At the same time, there are also many contraceptive methods also to prevent unintended pregnancies. Make sure to consult with a doctor or health expert for a detailed evaluation.

Sexual health is as important as physical and mental health. In most cases, one consultation can go a long way. Personalised, discreet and judgement-free treatment at your fingertips – book an online consultation with one of Allo’s leading experts.